BeforeI came to the University of Prince Edward Island, I studied English at ICEAPToronto, where I improved my English skills the most. So for students andparents who still hesitate whether to study or send their children here, I am going to talk about my experiences at ICEAP Toronto.
WhenI first landed in Canada in August 2014, I chose to live in a homestay, which means living with a local family. The reason why I preferred to live to stay with a homestay family, rather than live with my classmates, was that I believed the longer I stayed in an English-speaking environment, the faster my English skill would improve, which turned out to be true for me. When I lived in my homestay, I had dinner with the family, and hung out with and even argued with them. Thus, I learned lots of new words and phrases, including slang, that only come up in daily life, but never had a chance to experience in China.Consequently, I urge new students to stay in a homestay if they want to improve their English. No matter how far their homestay is from school, they will find it is worth it.
Next,the topic the most students and parents are concerned with is the quality of study at Toronto ICEAP. For this issue, I just want to say no worries about it,because from what I have experienced at ICEAP, teachers are friendly and very well-qualified. I have been taught using a much different class model here than in China. The philosophy at ICEAP is student-oriented learning, not teacher-centered learning, which means teachers here try to engage students inthe classroom by encouraging them to speak and discuss issues, and teach students what they want to learn instead of teach what THEY think students need to learn. They also have rigorous criteria for students and know exactly what studentsare going to learn in university later on. Although I am a third-year university student, the knowledge that I acquired from ICEAP is still usefuland crucial.
Last but not least, I am going to describe university life after I graduated from Toronto ICEAP. In my first academic yearat UPEI, I lived in residence because I wanted to experience the real “Islanders life” in school and make new friends. It is easy to make friends onthe island. People are friendly and trust-worthy. One of the departments of UPEI called IRO (International Relationship Office) helps new students make new friends through their “Buddy program”. This program tends to get a few newstudents and a second year or third-year student to know each other, and hangout as a group. That makes new students start a new life here easier. I am one of the Buddies in the Buddy Program, where I help new students make new friends and assist with their struggles in their university life. During the year 2015-2016, I got an award called “Outstanding Academic Study Award” and received a $1,000 scholarship. Because of this, I was selected as a teacher assistant in accounting courses. My experiences in Toronto ICEAP played a significant role in my good score in my academics and in my colorful life. I have already acquired the most basic and crucial knowledge at ICEAP. After I came to UPEI, the courses are not a big deal based on this knowledge. Just like a building, if the foundation (basic knowledge) is built well, it is not difficult to make the building higher (university courses). Toronto ICEAP is a school where students can develop their core knowledge.
I would not have done so well here at UPEI if I did not attend ICEAP in Toronto. Teachers are not only teaching languageand helping students acquire knowledge, but are also building students’confidence in living abroad. I got plenty advantages from ICEAP, and this school is highly recommended to study in.